Buccaneers Rugby Club 50/50 Draw. Draw takes place each Tuesday. 50% funds go to weekly winner and 50% go to the club. Buy Tickets Here


Congratulations to ANDREW QUINN who recently won the IRELAND’S KICKING KING challenge contested recently at the Aviva Stadium on the day of the big North Western American Football match there. 15 young players from all corners of the country qualified and, from these on the day, 3 advanced to the kick-off in front of 50,000 spectators.

17 year-old Andy, son of Buccaneers U-20s manager Niall, was among this trio and he emerged the overall winner, slotting over a splendid final kick of the event to be the only player to maintain a 100% rate. He secured a prize of a trip for two to Chicago to attend a big game there and get further coaching while there and the possibility of a scholarship in the USA.

The event was organised by LEADERKICKING.COM