Buccaneers Rugby Club 50/50 Draw. Draw takes place each Tuesday. 50% funds go to weekly winner and 50% go to the club. Buy Tickets Here


The death has occurred of HAZEL REID, who passed away peacefully at her residence on Sunday. Hazel was a stalwart on the rugby club’s ladies committee for many decades and she loved the camaraderie there. The Reid family has a lifetime association with Athlone RFC initially and currently Buccaneers RFC. The former clubhouse was located virtually on her Fernhill doorstep and her late husband Christy was President of the club in season 1985/86.

The family link continues with sons Austin and Eoin both involved having played in the club’s colours for many seasons with the former also being honoured as club president. Meanwhile Eoin’s son Corey is a current member of Buccaneers Senior squad and he has represented Ireland at various levels including U-20. Daughters Aisling and Syra continue Hazel’s generous tradition of voluntary service on the club’s ladies committee.

A gracious and personable lady, Hazel was a highly capable driving force in building up Fernhill Garden Centre from very humble beginnings to the hugely impressive facility that now stands there. A fine legacy for a proud Athlonian who had many interests including the annual Daffodil Day charity fund-raiser.

Her loss will be greatest of course to her family, and the committee and members of Buccaneers RFC extend our heartfelt sympathy to Austin, Eoin, Aisling and Syra, their spouses and children, and the wider Reid family and friends. May the Lord grant Hazel eternal rest.

There will be an opportunity for club members to join neighbours and friends to pay their respects as Hazel’s funeral cortege leaves her late residence on Tuesday morning passing Dubarry Park to arrive for Requiem Mass in Queen of Peace Church, Coosan at 12.30 p.m. A socially distanced Guard of Honour outside the club will be held and members are asked to wear masks and observe the 5km travel limit guideline.